Friday, June 8, 2012

How to Get Good Luck Fast

If you wish to learn how to get good luck then you must be willing to explore your own mental limitations and preconceptions that might hold you back from archiving your wildest dreams. How to get good luck in your life is highly dependent on the mental frameworks you are willing to work/act upon. Your family history, your religious views, your personal experiences, they all play a highly important role in how you attract good luck. There is been several books and even movies, such as the Secret, that aim at revealing how to get good luck, yet what most of them fail to distinguish is that different people attract good luck in different ways.

I have create a basic model of how to get good luck based on seven types of personalities (based upon the Chakra system):

Red cords help Red personalities get good luck
  1. Red Type of Personality: People with a predominantly red energy in their aura are very active and focused on the material world. Not necessarily in a bad sense but in a grounding, material way. They like adventure sports and generally have very pragmatic believes. They might belong to a religion, but they do not adhere to it 100%. For them, to get good luck is a matter of learning to thrust in the process of life. Learning to let go. Usually red personalities are very attached to material things, learn to detach from your ideas on how the world should function and begin to give thanks every time you encounter something good, fortunate, every time lady luck kisses you. At first, you might want to use a red good luck object if you wish to get good luck fast. This good luck charm might help you improve your good luck short-term but eventually you need to learn to use your mind alone. Make sure you visit my official page for a list of red good luck charms.
  2. Orange Type of Personality: The orange people are very creative indeed, they enjoy life to the fullest and are literally "guilt free". They are spontaneous but might seem a little overwhelming to some people with more passive personalities. Perhaps the best way to how to get good luck in your life if you are of an orange personality is actually being intimate with your loved-one. Intimacy and touch is a great way to spark your mental creative energies and attract good luck into your life. Literally there is no better good luck spell for orange people than a passionate night. If you wish to attract good luck you must use good luck essential oils and other liquid talismans in order to enhance your creative fluidity and activate your inner power.
  3. Yellow Type of Personality: The happiest people on earth. When they feel happy EVERYBODY knows it. They tend to be very grateful people and just shine with a smile. One very powerful characteristic of yellow people is that they really really like themselves (in a good way). They perceive themselves in a positive light and it shows. For them to get good luck they must be surrounded by their power element, the Sun. Using solar talismans and other types of crystals that capture the sun's powerful energies is the best good luck talisman for them.
Get Good Luck:
...If you wish to continue reading about the other personality types and how to get good luck using specific good luck amulets, visit my official website

Thank you for reading and have a great day!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How to Attract Good Luck Their Secret Strategies

We all know at least one, they are the people who just get every blessing possible in the universe, they might win the lottery twice, get a double promotion, or just encounter the right person at the right time AL THE TIME. Yes, I am talking about the master attractors.It just seem like to attract good luck their own natural ability is. Great things just casually arrive in their life right and left. In this article, I want to talk about why some people are so very lucky.

[caption id="attachment_152" align="alignleft" width="190" caption="Use your mind carefully"][/caption]

How to attract good luck their secrets to being in tune with the universe.
People who natuarally attract good things to their life are in sync with the greater plan, they desires, wishes and aspirations will help people in the larger scheme of things. But the curious thing is that they somehow know it. They know is not "bad for them to make money" because they will use that money to help other people. In a way they become a channel of blessing for more and more people. That is why they are so good at attracting good luck.

Their natural ability to get good things is directly proportional to their way of perceiving themselves as channels of light, either consciously or subconsciously. Many of us in a weird way think that by reaching success we will be harming other people, we try to be modest in our dreams and take great precautions not to consider ourselves in a positive light that might seem arrogant to other people. Well, it is been my experience that people of humble dreams always live humble lifes. For an ever increasing stream of good luck, you must be as generous as you can with your dreams, goals and aspirations. How to attract good luck, lucky people just know in their hearts that their fortune benefits the world. And so it is the case that they get more good luck.

Lucky people are positive, their perspective in life becomes the norm in their life. To attract good luck their many positive outlooks always match their greater dreams and their dreams always fit the bigger picture.

So if you want to learn how to attract good luck, their three mental rule you need to follow:

See yourself in a positive light.
Think about how your dreams might benefit other people.
Stop any negative thought about "being too lucky" or "wishing too much".

I hope this helps you in your paths towards a better life.

Attract Good Luck

How to Attract Good Luck, Ways to Increase your Charm

I want to start this article on How to Attract Good Luck, Ways to Increase your Charm by making clear that there is no better power that you can control than the power of your own mind. If you want a way to give your life a twist, try changing your thoughts and you will see how powerful your mind really is.

How to attract good luck, ways people change their life.
One of the biggest misconceptions about good luck is that it is static and you cannot do anything to change our fortune. I believe that changing your luck is not only possible but rather is your obligation to always seek to improve your life. People usually only change their perspective on life after a catastrophe. But you do not have to wait until something unfortunate happens for you to change the way of your thoughts. Simply realize that you are living today the product of your thoughts yesterday and you will realize the great responsibility you have over your mind today. If you want to know how to attract good luck, way one is to change your thinking process about our own life. See yourself a piece of a puzzle. Essential in its right place, unique, important. Once you understand how your life fits in the big scheme of things, you will see good luck being naturally drawn into your life.

Remember, stay positive and your charm will increase by itself. Your energy will draw people to you as honey attracts bees.

Attract Good Luck